About Us
The Family Caregiver Navigator is a pilot project of the Idaho Caregiver Alliance, a coalition of individuals and organizations that have been supporting caregivers since 2012. The ICA received a grant to develop the Family Caregiver Navigator project in order to offer support and resource referrals to unpaid caregivers of Idaho.
The Mission
Advisory Committee
Our Advisory Committee is a group of consulting professionals, providers, and community members who provide ideas and input into our navigation model. They identify key processes and touch points where navigators can help caregivers and connect the project with the individuals, organizations, and networks that can make that happen. They also advise the project on evaluation metrics to generate data for project sustainability and potential future expansion.
Jenny Moorman, Molina Healthcare
Kim Ouwehand, Saltzer Medical Group
Raul Enriquez, Area Agency on Aging (AAA3)
LeAnn Naillon, Living Independence Network Corporation (LINC)
Kristin Tracy, Blue Cross of Idaho
Angela Lindig, Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL)
Heidi Smith, Idaho KinCare/2-1-1 Careline (IDHW)
LuAnn Jensen, Boise Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC)
Mark Babson, Ada County Paramedics
Lyle Nelson, St. Luke's, Community Health
Angie Gribble, St. Luke's, Community Health
Dr. Alejandro Necochea, St. Luke's, Family Medicine
Michelle Betts, St Luke's, Social Work
Glenda Gonzalez, St. Alphonsus, Community Health
Serena Young, St. Alphonsus, Integrated Care Coordination
Melissa Radloff, Legacy Corps, Jannus
Adam Kipp, FMRI, Gerontology
Francoise Cleveland, AARP
Lisa Anderson, Alzheimer's Association
Stephanie Hoffman, Family Support Partnerships and Training
Judy Taylor, Idaho Commission on Aging (ICOA)
Dieuwke Dizney-Spencer, Division of Public Health (IDHW)
Nicole Himebauch, Molina Healthcare
Beth Ultis, Money Follows the Person (IDHW)
Caleb Batchelor, Blue Cross of Idaho, Care Coordination
Ashley Bruning-McBride, Molina Health Care
Hispanic Advisory Sub-Committee
Elva Villareal, A3AA/RAP
Genoveva Winkler, Nampa School District
Martha Madero, FMR/CHW
Irma Morin, Community Council of Idaho
Estefania Mondragon, PODER of Idaho
Vicky Jekich, SLHS Health Window
Diana Gomez Romero, SLHS Health Window
Esmeralda Ramirez, Metro Community Services
Melissa Radloff, Jannus/Legacy Corps/PTC
Mari Ramos, Latino COVID-19 Task Force
Amy Bowen, Latino COVID-19 Task Force
Suzie Rios, Idaho Women's Business Center
Lynn Fyanes, Idaho Commission on Aging
Enrique Rivera, Nampa Chamber of Commerce
Norberto Solorio, Southwest District Health
Miguel Juarez, DD Council
Jesus Blanco, Terry Reilly Health Services
Sarah Seamount, SDE Migrant Education Program
Connie Kreps, WICAP/Launch Project
Heidi Caldwell, WICAP
Irene Ruiz, Idaho Org. of Resource Councils
Marisela Pesina, Caldwell School District
Corrine Tafoya-Fisher, AARP Board
Nicole Foy, COVID Outreach
Angie Gribble, St Luke's Health Systems
Cindy Esparza, Community Council of Idaho
This publication was made possible by the Money Follows the Person Grant 93.791 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.